Friday 24 February 2012

new on GNOME Shell extension gtg

During these two weeks, I continue my work on GNOME Shell Extensions for GTG. Last week, I add a filter that can only shows today's task. So by default when the extensions loaded, it will display the top K tasks.

But when click button "today", it only shows those tasks that are already started but haven't yet ended.

The main problems I encountered are the date calculation and how to hook a event so that when click different button, the shown tasks are different.

Then the next thins I did is to enable the Open GTG button at the bottom of the tasksbox. This took longer time than I though. At first I totally have no idea how to implement it. Then I searched with Google but can not find what I needed. Then I looked at some gnome shell document and still nothing found. But lucky when I have a look at the gnome shell code, just the same as gnome shell "Open calendar" function, using misc.util.spawn() function, finally I make it work.

During the next two weeks what I plan to do is autostart gtg headless when the extension start and add a search button.

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